A Brief Story about Car Insurance & What to Do After a Car Accident

Insurance helps you protect yourself against risks like a house fire, car accident or burglary. You can also get insurance that pays you money if you get too ill to work or to provide for your family if you die. Car insurance protects you from an authentic financial loss. You pay a “premium” monthly, usually to your insurance company and in exchange if you get into a wreck. The insurance company will help you cover your losses.

Car insurance includes three different types of coverage. Number one property, Which will pay if your car is stolen or damaged. Number two liability, which pays for legal obligations to others for bodily injury or property damage and number three medical, which pays for hospital bills rehabilitation and sometimes lost wages or funeral expenses.

Money matters

So how much coverage should you get?

That depends on different things. Such as your car’s value, whether you own the vehicle outright and how much in damages you could afford to cover out-of-pocket on your own. Naturally, your monthly premium will vary depending on your amount of coverage like for instance it costs.

Essential note just because you pay premiums that does not mean you will pay nothing when you get into a wreck. Most likely you will have something called a deductible. The deductible is the amount of money that you have to pay before your insurance starts kicking in.

How to get insured?

This is simple. You can get them online or over the phone very quickly from dozens of competitors. The insurance company will need a bit of information about you and your car. They also likely run a credit report and look up your accident history. Once you get them, you like you will start paying premiums, and they will send you your insurance card which you should keep with your car at all times.

What to Do After a Car Accident?

Step one Keep yourself safe

Post accident, if you can get your car and yourself off of the road and into someplace safe. If you can not move your car leave it there but make sure you get out of the dangerous situation. Your insurance company will pay to get a tow truck to take your car away.

This line might be slightly uncomfortable but do not offer any apologies or explanations for what caused the wreck. They could be used against you in future legal proceedings.

Step two Call the police

We recommend that you do. Admittedly it is not illegal to not call the police even if no one is hurt. If there is real damage and insurance companies will soon do battle. It is a good idea to call 911. Action from the federal government’s website 911 which recommends calling after a car crash especially if someone is injured. If you call 911, the police bring in a neutral third party to document the accident. You will be doing yourself a favor. It is true that it might take a little while for the police to get there. If you live in a big city or they are just like super busy that day, but still, we recommend erring on the side of caution and calling them and either way you are going to have to file an accident report to the police. For more information, you may visit this site  https://krasneylaw.net/car-accident-lawyer/

Step Three Information

Gather the other driver’s information and volunteer your own. You should write down these things, and if you have called the police, you should get their phone number, their badge number, their name, number of the police report and request a copy of the police report.  Having all of this info will save you a lot of headaches.

Step four File a claim

After the scene is cleared call your insurance company immediately to start the claims process. Your insurance card should have a 24-hour phone number on the back of it, and your insurance agent should call you within one business day to help you with the claim. Your insurance agent should also assist you every step of the way throughout the process.

After an accident that you are responsible for. It is possible that your premiums are going to go up. That is because the insurance company sees you as a riskier investment. However, this is not for sure because a lot of different companies have different policies on rate increases.

Thus, no insurance company will raise rates to everyone. But some insurance companies will permit low rates unaccompanied to you — your compulsion to search for them. So, look out for insurance companies who come going on associated with the money for low rates of premium, discounts, and claims on the subject of good driver rates.