Perfect Fit for Bearings: Importance of Mounting Tools

Bearings can be small or large. They can be visible or hidden from the eyes as well. But their task is never trivial as the machines would just fail without the support of the bearings. While normal wear and tear is very natural in case of the metal made parts, lubricants are used to help these to run longer. But lubricants will not be able to save the bearing if there is a problem with mounting and dismounting. Improper mounting and dismounting can cause significant amount of damage to the bearings causing them to fail to perform properly. It is necessary not to use any forceful method while mounting the bearings.

The way the bearings are mounted has effects on reliability and performance. Mounting tools can help to carry out such tasks properly and fast saving both time and effort. In most cases the bearing outlives the equipment and only 0.5% of the bearings are replaced each year. One third of the bearings fail due to lubrication and one third goes down due to fatigue. The rest of the failed bearings have incorrect handling and mounting as the reason for failure.

Fatigue related issues

Early fatigue related issues are mostly connected with mounting, handling and storage. When mounting force is applied, it can result in dents in rolling elements and raceways. Damage that happens in these parts results in deformation and premature failure. Sometimes contaminants are housed in bearing during mounting. That is why proper mounting is something which is very necessary to ensure proper performance and longevity. The bearing mounting tool (ชุดตอกลูกปืน, term in Thai) helps in proper mounting and proper performance.

Proper preparation is equal to prevention of poor performance

Proper mounting is actually a task that requires quite a few things including care, experience, accuracy, cleanliness and definitely the selection of correct method. It is necessary to study the instructions and drawings to follow the procedure properly. Proper lubricants must be chosen and proper amount must be used to the bearings depending on its size and requirement. When all these come together with the mounting tool and method, bearings will stay in proper shape after the procedure.


Long service life is ensured by clean mounting. The process starts in the storage room itself. The shelves should be dry and dust free. The shelves should also be away from any vibration from any machine. The packing must not be removed unless the bearings are about to be installed. The preservative used to the bearings does not usually need a complete cleaning.

Wiping the bore surface and outside diameter is enough. The installation area should also be away from machines producing dust and swarf. Bearings, mating parts and the lubricants, all these materials must be clean and dust free. If the place is not free from dust or contaminants, it can be achieved by covering the bearing and machine until the process is completely done. Ensuring cleanliness helps in making sure that the bearings perform properly once they are installed.