Ultimate Guide to Print Marketing Materials

The world is becoming more digital every day. But when it comes to marketing your business, it’s not enough to be online; you need to be in the real world as well. That’s where print marketing materials come in! Print marketing materials can help you build brand awareness and create brand loyalty, so long as they’re executed well (which we’ll get into later).

The Importance of Print

Print marketing materials are still a huge part of the advertising world. In fact, print has remained an excellent way to build brand awareness and loyalty without having to spend too much money or time on it. It’s also a great way to build your brand equity, image, and credibility with your target audience.

Before You Print

  • Know your audience. Before you can successfully reach your intended audience, you need to know who they are and what they care about. Think about their age range, gender, cultural background, and income level when designing your print materials.
  • Know your goals. What is the purpose of your printed marketing materials? Do they need to inform customers or persuade them to buy a product? Are they meant as an invitation to attend an event? Will they be used as collateral materials at trade shows or expos? Knowing this will help determine which mediums will work best for communicating with each audience.
  • Know your budget. If money is tight then don’t try and create elaborate pieces since this will just end up costing more than expected! Consider using less expensive options like direct mailers or postcards instead of fancy brochures or flyers that cost thousands per thousand printed copies because these cheaper options still provide great ROI.

Direct Mail

Direct mail is the most targeted form of marketing you can use. It’s a great way to reach your audience and build relationships with them, plus it’s relatively inexpensive. Moreover, direct mail is one of the best ways to build a database and brand awareness.

Direct mail is also much more personal than other forms of advertising—you’re not just reaching out to a bunch of strangers, you’re sending something directly to someone you hope will be interested in what you have to say!

Outdoor Advertising

The biggest benefit of outdoor advertising is its ability to reach a wide audience. It can be used to promote any type of product or service: the launch of a new product or service, special offers and discounts, sales, and even the opening of new locations.

Before you choose a banner design, it’s important to consider whether this type of marketing will work for your business and if it’s worth the investment.

For instance, some businesses might not want their name displayed in highly visible places where they might receive negative attention from passersby (such as liquor stores).

Brochures and Flyers

Brochures and flyers are a great way to get your message out to a wider audience. Brochures can be used for business-to-business marketing, while flyers are more effective for local advertising.

Both of these types of print materials have their place in the world of marketing materials, but only one has the ability to achieve both goals. That’s right—the brochure! But not just any brochure will do; it must be well designed, informative, and engaging enough so that readers will read it all the way through (and hopefully take action).

Point-of-Sale Displays

Point-of-sale displays (also called counter cards, shelf talkers, or product packaging) are small pieces of printed material that help you advertise your products at the point of sale. They’re usually made out of cardboard or plastic and placed on top of the counter or table in a store, or they’re put in the window display.

Because they have such an impact on sales and marketing efforts, you should consider creating these types of print materials for your products.

Promotional Gifts and Apparel

Promotional gifts and apparel are a great way to promote your business. These items are useful, memorable, and affordable. They can also be branded with your company’s logo or slogan for maximum brand exposure.

  • Promotional gifts should be useful so that recipients find them helpful when using them in their everyday life. This will help you avoid giving away items that don’t have any lasting value in the eyes of the recipient—and it ensures that they use what you gave them instead of throwing it away later!
  • Make sure promotional gifts are memorable so that recipients keep thinking about your company every time they see and use the item(s). The more often they think of you, the more likely they will remember your name when they want something else from you or see another company offering similar services but at a lower price point than yours—or even if there isn’t another company offering such services as yours at all!


Print marketing materials are an excellent way to expand your business, so long as they’re executed well and placed in the right locations!