What’s Ahead in the NAN Inc. Bright Future?


Nan Inc is a well-known, locally owned construction management organization in Hawaii with more than two decades of construction industry experience. There are numerous contracts for renovations and design-build projects that have been secured by the company throughout this time period. These include both old and new structures that need to be modified. This company has a small but highly skilled team of specialists who can take on any job, no matter how large or small it is, and still stay under budget. In order to be successful, the organization relies on three pillars: ensuring the safety of employees, maximizing productivity, and staying within the budget provided by the client.

Overview of the Hawaiian Construction Industry and Projections to 2040

According to these sources, Hawaii’s building activity is predicted to continue at a high rate in 2020 and the following few years. 

For many more years to come, construction work will be readily available. On the island of Oahu, there are numerous large-scale public sector and high-rise residential construction projects that involve the private sector (such as various hotel projects). Efforts will continue to flow in this manner for many years to come.

With regards to making it in the business world

It’s not uncommon for someone to grow more self-cantered as they rise in the ranks. However, the opposite was true for Patrick Shin; he was completely opposed to everything. As a result of his first triumph, he’s learned to be more modest and grounded. As a result of his own personal efforts and time commitment, he began to give back to many charity organizations (see the video below for an example of how he helped a school in the Philippines). Many false people tried to constrain Nan Inc in Nan Inc law suit but the success and growth of the Nan Inc is untouchable.

Both weekend mentorship activities and therapeutic assistance for children who have been traumatized by their families’ various difficulties are intended to be supported by the funds. For the most part, our charity is devoted to helping children from poor households.

That Nan Inc. has donated 48K meals is well-known and has made a big contribution not only to their company sector, but also to the community as an organization dedicated to helping those in need or organizations formed for the underprivileged.

Additionally, Nan Inc. has made a significant commitment of money and people to help improve primary school conditions, among other things. The rehabilitation and improvement work on this school, which is located in a rural part of the Philippines, is virtually complete. There was a start date set for March 2017.

Yes, Patrick Shin’s future is intriguing!

When Nan Chul Shin (Patrick Shin) is not leading Nan Inc., one of Hawaii’s major construction contracting firms, what else does he want to do in his life? Getting rich quick has never been the driving force behind Patrick Shin’s decisions. An end objective wasn’t really what it was all about. Instead, he aimed to generate new ideas and make a major impact on Hawaii as a whole by working on important projects.

Still, he hasn’t lost his desire to improve Hawaii and make it a better place to live and work, even after all these years. Nan Inc., the largest locally owned general contractor in Hawaii, was the result of his hard work, tenacity, and desire to serve the people of the state.